The Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Development Fund was set up in March 2002 with its main source of funding from corporate and personal donation. The main areas of development include :
Promoting Chinese culture and the continuous development of Chinese music
To conduct omni-directional research and development of the art of Chinese music, including organising international symposia or competitions to enhance cultural exchange.
To encourage creativity by commissioning new compositions in order to develope new techniques and new formats, and ultimately, a wider selection of Chinese music repertoire.
To collaborate with other performing arts companies and participate in cross-disciplinary and cross-media exchanges.
To generate interest among young people in Chinese music and encourage participation, to increase outreach and educational activities, to engage in the production of educational audio-visual materials or publications, and to assist schools in setting up Chinese orchestras.
Overseas exchange
To participate in artistic exchange activities and symposia on the Mainland and overseas.
To actively seek opportunities for overseas performances and participation in international arts festivals for the Orchestra and enhance the Orchestra's image as a 'Cultural Ambassador' for Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra needs your support. Your donation not only helps in the development of the Orchestra, but also bestows encouragement and recognition on the Orchestra.