The Little Angels, consisting of musically gifted teenagers, is a distinguished Korean traditional arts group. Established in May 1962 with a vision of "Carrying Korean Culture to the World", the troupe aims to showcase the rich heritage of Korean culture and its message of peace across the globe.
Since its inaugural performance in the United States in September 1965, the troupe has served as a civilian peace envoy, presenting over 7,000 shows in more than 60 countries and appearing in over 600 television programmes. Its profound impact on enhancing the international presence of Korean arts has earned it four Presidential Commendations from the Republic of Korea.
In recent years, The Little Angels have maintained their international presence by performing at significant events, including the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Korea-Kuwait Energy Agreement in Kuwait this year, Korea Day at the Dubai Expo 2022, the bicentennial celebrations of Colombia’s independence in 2019, cultural exchanges with China and Japan in 2019, and the Finland International National Music Competition in 2018.
Now celebrated as icons of Korean traditional culture, The Little Angels continues to champion the global promotion of Korean traditional arts, serving as a vital ambassador of peace and cultural diplomacy for over sixty years.