
Cheung Ho-ming

Cheung is currently a doctoral student at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, studying composition with Professor Lee Wan Ki Wendy. He focuses on exploring the spectrum of elements of a concert performance and composes his pieces by adopting those elements to create an immersive concert-going experience. He also has a strong passion in composing music works with theatrical elements and body gestures. 

He graduated from the Royal Conservatoire of the Hague, Netherlands, with a Master of Composition Research degree under the guidance of renowned contemporary composers Martijn Padding, Jan van de Putte, and Alison Isadora. He was also awarded a Master of Music (Composition) degree at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and a Bachelor of Arts in Music degree at Brunel University London. During which he was tutored by renowned composers Peter Wiegold, Jennifer Walshe, Ed Bennett, and Andrew Toovey to gain exposure to a wide variety of performing arts, ranging from conventional contemporary genres to improvisations and theatrical performance.