Chū Chunzhi

Chū Chunzhi

Chu Chunzhi is the bearer of the intangible cultural heritage item – ‘Chu Chunzhi Manchurian Papercuts’ of Liaoning Province.

As a Chinese papercutting artist, Chu specialises in depicting the traditional lifestyle of the Manchus in Liaoning and Shenyang of northern China. Her cut images are derived from the historical and cultural lineage of the Manchu society, and show strong ethnic character and colour typical of folk crafts. In recent years, Chu’s works have been collected by academic circles and museums in the United States, Germany, Switzerland etc..

Chu's paper-cutting technique comes from her family. Under its influence, Chu developed a strong interest in paper cutting since she was young. While she started off with the skills inherited from her family, she gradually came into her own. She developed a characterful style that blended tangible form with abstract expressions that capture the inner qualities of both the subject and her intended feelings. The cut images demonstrate a robust strength and simple dexterity. They often come in folk-theme series, some being indigenous to the area, such as Preparing for the New Year, Auntie Sieve Festival, The Three Monsters of Northeastern China, The Day the Dragon Raises Its Head, Cuttings of the Five Poisonous Creatures etc. From an artistic angle, her paper cuts can be said to exude the rustic, naïve charm of the Manchu people and lend a distinctive character to her works.