48th Orchestral Season

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Date and Time
11/7/2025 (Fri) 8:00pm
Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall
Ticket Fee
$380, $300, $250, $200
Sun Peng
Performed by
Suona: Liu Wenuen


This concert is a kaleidoscope of folk music depicting nature in its many forms. It is also an expression of peoples living in harmony.


Seven Colours of Harmony Zhang Chao

The first movement: Green • Song of the Wind (Mongols)

The second movement: Blue • Song of the Water (Hui people)

The third movement: Yellow • Song of the Mountain (Korean)

The fourth movement: Cyan • Song of the Moon (Gaoshan and Hani people)

The fifth movement: Red • Song of the Fire (Uyghurs and Tajiks)

The sixth movement: Purple • Song of the Heaven (Tibetan people)

The Seven movement: Orange • Song of the Sun (Yi people)

Suona Concerto    Centennial Nirvana Li Bochan

Suona: Liu Wenuen

Three Realms of Tibet Han Yong

The first movement: The Realm of Heaven - Communion between Man and Spirit 

The second movement: The Realm of the Earth - Communication between Man and Nature

The third movement: The Realm of Man - Love and Harmony among Mankind